Wow... it has been MONTHS since I have written a blog. Since September! That's what... seven months!? Time does fly and in that process of flying, your life goes right with it. What can I say... in the past seven months a little bit of everything has happened. I have gained more work experience, I have sought out more of my dreams, I have cried, I have laughed, and I have fallen crazy in love with "Him" which by all means I will now finally mention his name... Mauricio.
However, for the most part, during my time away... I have grown. One thing about life and all its turns is that one needs to realize that everything in this life happens for a reason. While some things may hurt and others can lead you to be this person you didn't even know... all of that is to lead you to the person you will become. The key thing is to know and believe more than anything that... THAT person you will become is the person you have always wanted to be.
When I was younger I would always say that I don't regret anything I ever did in my life because in that moment I wanted it. But, as I grew I started to realize that my theory was not all that correct. What I can say is that YOU can not change the past... so why dwell on it? You did something you might have regretted? Well... you learn by it and make sure to not do it again and just go on... creating and building the life you want.
Don't stop being a dreamer.... cause Dreams do come true.