Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Females' have better vision...

Love is a great feeling. The way everything one does somehow revolves around him or her. How important things are not as important, how happiness is somehow mixed in with his or hers. How everything that one does, the other is a part of. Love is magical- when both parties are completely involved. However, The problem with love is, one usually loves more and it blinds one. Although, I do believe us ladies get blinded a little quicker, but I will give us this much, we recover our 20/20 vision a lot quicker than the male figure.

I have this theory that when men fall in love, they fall a lot deeper than women do. Us women, we are romantics and the way we love one, we could love another. However, don't misunderstand what I am trying to say. Ladies love in a manner that is even impossible to explain, but we do get tired of nonsense. There will be a time in a woman's life that if she isn't receiving the love and attention she is giving she will get tired and move on. Because deep down, we know their is some man out there that will finally appreciate every little crazy thing about us. Not only appreciate it, but be in love with it- see it as perfect. Due to these thoughts is why the moving on process is were women have the upper hand. That is the part that we find a little easier to do. Men, when you see a drastic change happen in a woman's life- a crazy haircut, a new hair color, a new job position, new fashion, etc.-  I assure- 90% of the time that is a woman moving on from a man. We do this because for us, starting a new chapter not only requires new love but a new and improved us. 

The reason I believe it takes longer for men to recover a heartache is because for them to fall in love it takes longer and the steps they take are more complicated. Men analyze the problem, the good and the bad and while at times I admit they take advantage of certain moments (such as our love and attention), when they love a woman- a part of them will always love her. 

Monday, August 22, 2011

Pointers: Keeping the Mystery Alive

This blog is to both sexes- things men and women should NOT do in front of one another while they are in the lovey dovey stage- or ever.

You know the list is a lot shorter for men then it is for women. Sadly because we women have to seem like we are perfect to these certain men... and not only perfect but that we were born with such perfect skin, hair, body, etc. So women, when you are with your man- lock yourself up in the bathroom if you want to do the following things: wearing a face mask, waxing, shaving, popping a pimple, farting or going number 2. 
Let us be serious, it's awesome to have great skin- so it is understandable why one wears a face mask or pops a pimple or two- BUT DO NOT DO THIS IN FRONT OF HIM. I mean, keep something a mystery- let him believe you were born with that perfect skin and that something as simple as water and face soap keeps your face that beautiful. There is no need for him to see you with a green mask, were you could barely even talk! And also expecially avoid him seeing you close to the mirror popping that yellow head and then seeing it squirt out. NOT PRETTY LADIES, NOT PRETTY! 
Second- they know we shave or wax- it's obvious... but don't let them actually see you do it. Especially if you are going to wax something on your face... like I said, let him believe you have the perfect eyebrows or that you don't in fact have a mustache. 
Last- the farting and going to the bathroom. You hold in that fart as much as you can! Worst case you get up and go to the kitchen to get some water or you walk to the bathroom to "wash your hands" but do not let out a loud on in front of him. Now, the bathroom part- the peeing I don't think is a bad idea- who cares, if anything that actually shows a bit of your comfort with him. But going to bathroom for the other part- don't do that in front of him. Lock the door- do it quick and clean up nice. There is no need for him to even know or imagine you sitting on that toilet... pushing. I am just saying!!

Now guys- as for you... don't think you have been saved on this one. We really don't need to see you taking a dump either- the smell alone will gross us out. You could go ahead and fart in front of us, after we been seeing each other for a few months... technically we will laugh and it won't bother us that much.  The way us women are, if we are in love, we might even find it kind of cute. I know, I know- we are extremely strange. Also, the shaving, DOWN THERE, don't do that in front of us- but please do continue doing it!

Well I hope these pointers help. Remember keep some mystery alive and ladies don't stop taking care of yourself- no matter what. 

Friday, August 19, 2011

Should I stay or should I go?

You really like this dude, you have sex with him and then you wonder- should I get up and go home or do I stay the night? Well here is a way one could know if you do the walk of shame or if you stay in the bed, under the covers. 

When you are done and you roll over, instead of just staring at the ceiling, pondering your next move, pay attention to his! Does he roll over and give you his back? If so, that is definitely a sign to grab your things, say you had a good time, but you need to go. However, if he rolls over and grabs you to cuddle- that is your sign that sweetie, you are staying over (I hope you brought your toothbrush!). 

According to a guy's answer from the magazine Cosmopolitan, when a woman ask the question if men like to cuddle he said:

"We like to cuddle when it's with someone who we actually want to wake up next to in the morning." 

Ladies, start reading those actions of his! He might be saying more than we actually listen to. 

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Duplicate You

Let's go back to the Universe stuff. Let's discuss time traveling. It has now been "proved" impossible to time travel- but my question is- have you ever gotten déjà-vu? How do you explain that? I am not saying that time traveling is possible, I am no scientist to prove such things, but maybe in one of these other planets, LIGHTS YEARS AWAY, it is our lives- but in the future or past. Wouldn't that be a cool thought? I mean- I doubt it- but then how does one explain Déjà-vu?

How could we be living in the moment and then all of a sudden know what is going to happen or have the sensation that this has already happened. How can one explain that? I know I know, Scientist have already ruled out time traveling, but let us just say, what if one of those planets light years away, is ourselves in the future or in the past. Like another time of us- where maybe different decisions were made. Like you didn’t go to that college, instead you went to the other one. Or that you decided to call him back after that huge fight and everything got fixed and you are now still with him. I mean- I know it’s a silly thought, but wouldn’t it be kind of cool? To know that there is another duplicate, exactly like you, living your life but different? Maybe that could explain those moments you are just there, laughing with your friends and all of a sudden you get that weird vibe, that sensation that you have done this and you right then and there know what is going to happen next and when it happens it sort of freaks you out. Then the moment is gone and everything is just back to normal. Maybe that moment- that second of déjà-vu, was the moment of your other self in another planet going through it and instead that person did something different. Ever stop to think how many decisions you take daily!! How many times I wake up and hit the snooze button, or the days I don’t hit the snooze button…. Those five minutes of sleeping in could have changed my entire day or vice versa. Think about it. When you go have lunch and you decide to go with a friend instead of going alone. When you decide that you want to stay in and not go out with your friends. So many decisions, so many different moments that changes a fragment of our lives. It’s mind bobbing. So don’t go calling me crazy- one never does know what is out there in this universe… it might be your future or past that is being played out by another you. I am just saying


I saw this on Twitter- @Rosemcgowan posted this picture of her friend's dog, which she says looks like Chewbacca from Star Wars. I couldn't agree more!! It is to cute... 
The things owners do to their pets are sometimes to funny. But I have to admit I would totally have done this too if I had a dog like this one!!! 

Having sex or making Love?

I bought September's 2011 Cosmopolitan and was reading the article- "Guys answer your Sex Questions." Today I am going to go ahead and talk about this one specific question that was the most interesting to me and then later I'll talk about the guy's reply.

"How do we know if you're having sex or making love?"

I am sure we (men and women) have all, at one point, thought about this. Although I am sure it crosses more the mind of women then it does of men. Which is fine, after all we women are the more emotional ones. Or so they say. However, before I detour into another subject let me continue on with this one. I have always believed that a man when he is having sex, if he cares more about what he is doing to you than what he is doing for himself- shows that he cares an extreme. Think about it. Stop and think ladies, that guy, whichever one it is that popped into your head when I mentioned you to think, yea him. When you first started having sex with him- how was he? Did he just care to get there and then really not worry oh so much if you did or didn't have the big O? I mean- I am sure if he made you get there it was a plus- but that wasn't his main concern. His main concern was him. But now, that same guy- months later- doesn't it change a bit? Because by experience, I can admit that at first, guys don't seem to really care if we get there or not. Their main concern is them. But as time goes and all of a sudden it is more than just sex- doesn't things change? All of a sudden they don't care so much about them- they just love to see us get there and at times they love to see us get there more than once. That is when ladies- we need to realize that it's not just sex anymore to them. At that moment- it became something a little more. Maybe for us- just cause we are romantics- we could go ahead and call that "making love."

The reply from the guy to the question on the Cosmo magazine was the following:

If the guy is focusing a lot on your pleasure, it's probably more than "just" sex to him.

You see ladies and men! That when your partner is all of a sudden more focused on you than they are on themselves, that shows that they care... that all of a sudden sex isn't just sex to him or her! So next time you are doing the dirty with your partner- pay attention, what is his or her main concern? Who knows you might not just be having sex anymore- you might be "making love."

Monday, August 15, 2011

Now he's happily married...

I was browsing the internet- decided to catch up on some gossip on E! Online when I bumped into this photo:
Now, I admit I have never watched "Dancing with the Stars" which is apparently the show she hosts, but I did watch for many many years Baywatch and it was mostly because of that man on the picture- David Charvet. Shoot- I remember waiting frantically for 8:00pm to come around so I could sit myself in front of the television and watch this hottie in red trunk suits saving lives. How many times would I make a fantasy in my head that he would come around and save me? Yea, I was a little young then- A preteen I believe, but I was in love. Confession? I use to write stories as a little girl- and the main love interest in all my stories was David Charvet! Yea... that just goes to show. However, I believe when I got older and Freddie Prinze Junior came into the movie screen- David Charvet got downgraded in my stories as the cute older brother of the main character- which her name was always Evelyn. Go figure- what a coincidence! But he did inspire all my stories for a long time- he should know that before his downgrade he was happily married a few times to the character "Evelyn." I don't know- I am just saying.

However, as life would have it he just recently got married, "for the first time." But congrats anyways to this happy couple.  Although, I should break the news to Brooke Burke- that for many years (and many stories) he was indeed mine first. Sorry Brookie! 

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Nicolas Giovanni

It's about that time where I go on and write a little about one of my friends. I am curious to know if my friends actually like these blogs about them or are terrified.
Now this one specific friend is the know it all- you know what I am talking about. The one that when it comes to that one specific thing- he knows all about. However, I have to admit that when it comes to lighting a set- he does know everything about it. His name is Nicolas, but no one that I know (except for his brother) actually calls him that. So for us, and mostly everyone else, he is known as Chachito. He has been working in setting lights and making a name for himself since he was in high school- so yes, you could go ahead and say he has made a damn good name for himself. So obviously, yours truly puts him in all her references when she is looking for production jobs. He is also the one that I turn to when I have some question about production- or in need of some advice.
Besides the work thing- he is the only one in the "Troop"- actually I think any of my friends- that is my exact age. He is one month younger than I am, to the date- although he does look older and at times acts older. I did say AT TIMES- because if we are in a club, most probably one that is playing reggaton, and he all of sudden is taking all sorts of shots and drinking Jack Daniels, he loses like three years of age. When he gets in this mode- we call him Giovanni and when he is Giovanni expect to hear bad accents. He all of a sudden starts to speak with an italian accent, adding a vowel at the end of every word and making more hand movements than usual. Oh, and beware if someone that is not part of the troop plays along, and decides that they too want an accent, he will quickly title them an impostor. 
But truth be told- he is one of my best friends. He is like the older brother I never had (Oh hold on I do have an older brother! Ha!). He goes on with all my spoiled ways- if I want a photoshoot- his truly will make it possible. If I am all of a sudden craving a mocha frap- it will miraculously appear. The new one, which I have to admit is the ice cream craving I get and like an older brother- he will make it happen for his little sister. Like I said- he does act older than I do! Chachi- I love you. 

Poke- BESO!

Here is something us women, no matter what will never understand... We know you men are busy throughout the day, work and all... but why in dear God's name can men not send one text or a reply to one of our texts? Really- what is that going to do? Stop your work for a whole 40 seconds? However, don't just send a "Beso" text- that doesn't work! Actually- what the hell does "Beso" even mean, really? We know it's a kiss- but what does have to do with anything? So MJ, Fio and I asked around- trying to find the logic behind this so called "Beso" and one of our fellow co-workers gave us his answer. What was his reply, you wonder? This: "It's like sending you a poke on Facebook." So now we are getting poked? Come on! I never even understood the whole poking thing on Facebook to begin with! So now my so called "No titles" is in some way "poking" me? I can't. But men, listen... seriously!! We women need to be paid attention to, we are needy creatures, it's annoying... but it is what it is! Now, if we don't get that attention, what happens is we simply get bored and all of a sudden we get annoyed and don't want to be nice to you anymore. Trust us, when we are nice, WE ARE NICE and when we are bitches, WE ARE BITCHES. So... don't make us into a bitch. This could be avoided- I promise! So yes, we understand that you guys are busy, that you work and all... but guess what- so do we! But I guess, unlike you guys, we can actually multitask. We are the smarter sex after all... I'm just saying.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Love Advice from Sunny

Have you ever watched the movie "A Bronx Tale"- with Robert DeNiro? The first time I came about that movie I was only a child- a young preteen. I was home with my cousin Joselyn, for some reasons my sisters were not home. I bumped into this movie on Showtime and we started watching it. From the first moment I saw it I absolutely loved it- till this day, I still love it! I even owned it on DVD- but I think I have misplaced it! However, let me stop rambling on and get to the point. There was this line in the movie, that has stuck with me since I first saw the movie. The character Sunny is giving some love advice to C. He tells him: 
"You gotta do what your heart tells you to do. Let me tell you somethin' right now. You're only allowed three great women in your lifetime. They come along like the great fighters, every ten years. Rocky Marciano. Sugar Ray Robinson. Joe Louis. Sometimes you get 'em all at once. Me? I had my three when I was 16. That happens. What are you gonna do? That's the way it goes, you know? Tell you right now. See this girl? Maybe this girl, she put wind in your sails. Maybe she's your first great one." 
Maybe we are provided with three great loves in our lives. And if it's so- I might get super cheesy on you guys now- but I believe I am in my third.

My first- not the greatest, but definitely one that molded me- Herman. Great kid. The one I was with for six years and engaged to. It came and it went- but there it is. My first "love" in some sense.
My second- a bit more infamous- Joseph. Herman may have molded me, but Joseph made me. I found all the courage and peace within myself because of him. We had a story many didn't understand- but it was still our story. However, that ended and it's okay... because not everything that one thinks is meant to be, actually is. But he will always hold a special place in my heart- no denying that.
My third- so new that it's crazy to even mention- Mauricio. Now, he might just be the one that completes me. The one that I know will care for me, when I just seem to stop caring. The one who makes me realize that this is what I needed for myself and a relationship the whole time. He truly does make me want to be better. Better for him. (Oh My God- I have become super cheesy- this is all truly his fault!). But it is what it is and I am sure my story with him will be the great one. 

So, have you guys stop to wonder? Do you have three great loves? Have you been through all three? It's crazy- but I think the writer to this film was on to something- Sunny was right!