This blog is to both sexes- things men and women should NOT do in front of one another while they are in the lovey dovey stage- or ever.
You know the list is a lot shorter for men then it is for women. Sadly because we women have to seem like we are perfect to these certain men... and not only perfect but that we were born with such perfect skin, hair, body, etc. So women, when you are with your man- lock yourself up in the bathroom if you want to do the following things: wearing a face mask, waxing, shaving, popping a pimple, farting or going number 2.
Let us be serious, it's awesome to have great skin- so it is understandable why one wears a face mask or pops a pimple or two- BUT DO NOT DO THIS IN FRONT OF HIM. I mean, keep something a mystery- let him believe you were born with that perfect skin and that something as simple as water and face soap keeps your face that beautiful. There is no need for him to see you with a green mask, were you could barely even talk! And also expecially avoid him seeing you close to the mirror popping that yellow head and then seeing it squirt out. NOT PRETTY LADIES, NOT PRETTY!
Second- they know we shave or wax- it's obvious... but don't let them actually see you do it. Especially if you are going to wax something on your face... like I said, let him believe you have the perfect eyebrows or that you don't in fact have a mustache.
Last- the farting and going to the bathroom. You hold in that fart as much as you can! Worst case you get up and go to the kitchen to get some water or you walk to the bathroom to "wash your hands" but do not let out a loud on in front of him. Now, the bathroom part- the peeing I don't think is a bad idea- who cares, if anything that actually shows a bit of your comfort with him. But going to bathroom for the other part- don't do that in front of him. Lock the door- do it quick and clean up nice. There is no need for him to even know or imagine you sitting on that toilet... pushing. I am just saying!!
Now guys- as for you... don't think you have been saved on this one. We really don't need to see you taking a dump either- the smell alone will gross us out. You could go ahead and fart in front of us, after we been seeing each other for a few months... technically we will laugh and it won't bother us that much. The way us women are, if we are in love, we might even find it kind of cute. I know, I know- we are extremely strange. Also, the shaving, DOWN THERE, don't do that in front of us- but please do continue doing it!
Well I hope these pointers help. Remember keep some mystery alive and ladies don't stop taking care of yourself- no matter what.
Very True!!! There's something's that both parties should just keep private!
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