It is just all too crazy to believe that it was 10 years ago already. I mean, I remember waking up that morning, LATE nonetheless, and turning on the radio. I was getting ready for school, my first semester in college, I had overslept and missed my first class entirely. As I listened on the radio I heard the announcer mention how a plane flew into the world trade center. I called my sister and told her if she heard about this craziness, right in that moment the announcer screamed that another plane crashed into the south tower. It was right then and there were I was no longer confused and I realized we were being attacked. I got on my car and drove to school, the whole time listening in. Shocked. I get to school and I would look at every television set as I walked by to get to my class. I even stopped at one point, starring in disbelief. All the students around the TV, many on the phones, but all of us quiet. The whole campus was quiet, I don't even remember hearing anything- total silence. I get to class, to then only see a note on the door. The teacher had cancelled class (I will later learn that she had family that worked in The World Trade Center). I went back to my car, got home and sat in front of the television. My eyes watered as I saw people jumping out of the buildings and then... the unimaginable... boom!!! The first tower, the South one, collapsed. My mouth literally dropped, it was like I were in a dream. This couldn't have been happening. How was it possible that four of our planes got hijacked and used as weapons against ourselves? I remember this day like it were yesterday. I feel those feelings still in me, it is incredible to know how one day can not only change your life but thousands of others.
I think I got inspired by the anniversary of that tragic day because I am now working on something with Dream Big Films (my company), for the anniversary of September 11. It was something that came to me from one moment to the other. I hope it comes out as planned... my partners and friends are as always sticking through and while we yell at each other out here and there- we pul through and make it happen. I guess if this does pull through- this "I still remember..." project it will be our first baby. So it's pretty exciting. I also, just wrote an article and it will be published for the Moda Fashion Magazine on this specific day. So keep an ear and eye out... I will keep you guys posted.
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