Sunday, September 18, 2011

Dream your Dreams...

It's funny how life works. How someone with so much time in their hands could actually be very busy! That is totally me lately!! I mean, I don't have a "full time" job and believe me with all the production jobs I have done in my past 12 hour days tend to be a slow days, but lately with all the planning I have in this head I might as well be working in a Hollywood movie. 

Lately, my main concern is DreamBig Films and bringing forth new ideas and visions. Today I spent my Sunday filming our short film "Reaching the Sea" and I couldn't have spent a better Sunday. What great vibes flew through about the day. Great people, great ideas and a flow that did not provide one drop of stress.

All I am going to say in this blog, because I just got distracted with the movie Megamind, is that look for what it is you love to do in life and do everything in your power to do.

DREAM guys... don't ever forget that dream that lives in you. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

As if it were yesterday...

In just a few days it will be the 10th anniversary of the attack on 9/11. Is that not crazy? Where does the time go? I remember that date as if it were yesterday. I am sure I'm not the only one either.
It is just all too crazy to believe that it was 10 years ago already. I mean, I remember waking  up that morning, LATE nonetheless, and turning on the radio. I was getting ready for school, my first semester in college, I had overslept and missed my first class entirely. As I listened on the radio I heard the announcer mention how a plane flew into the world trade center. I called my sister and told her if she heard about this craziness, right in that moment the announcer screamed that another plane crashed into the south tower. It was right then and there were I was no longer confused and I realized we were being attacked. I got on my car and drove to school, the whole time listening in. Shocked. I get to school and I would look at every television set as I walked by to get to my class. I even stopped at one point, starring in disbelief. All the students around the TV, many on the phones, but all of us quiet. The whole campus was quiet, I don't even remember hearing anything- total silence. I get to class, to then only see a note on the door. The teacher had cancelled class (I will later learn that she had family that worked in The World Trade Center). I went back to my car, got home and sat in front of the television. My eyes watered as I saw people jumping out of the buildings and then... the unimaginable... boom!!! The first tower, the South one, collapsed. My mouth literally dropped, it was like I were in a dream. This couldn't have been happening. How was it possible that four of our planes got hijacked and used as weapons against ourselves? I remember this day like it were yesterday. I feel those feelings still in me, it is incredible to know how one day can not only change your life but thousands of others. 
I think I got inspired by the anniversary of that tragic day because I am now working on something with Dream Big Films (my company), for the anniversary of September 11. It was something that came to me from one moment to the other. I hope it comes out as planned... my partners and friends are as always sticking through and while we yell at each other out here and there- we pul through and make it happen. I guess if this does pull through- this "I still remember..." project it will be our first baby. So it's pretty exciting. I also, just wrote an article and it will be published for the Moda Fashion Magazine on this specific day.  So keep an ear and eye out... I will keep you guys posted.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Females' have better vision...

Love is a great feeling. The way everything one does somehow revolves around him or her. How important things are not as important, how happiness is somehow mixed in with his or hers. How everything that one does, the other is a part of. Love is magical- when both parties are completely involved. However, The problem with love is, one usually loves more and it blinds one. Although, I do believe us ladies get blinded a little quicker, but I will give us this much, we recover our 20/20 vision a lot quicker than the male figure.

I have this theory that when men fall in love, they fall a lot deeper than women do. Us women, we are romantics and the way we love one, we could love another. However, don't misunderstand what I am trying to say. Ladies love in a manner that is even impossible to explain, but we do get tired of nonsense. There will be a time in a woman's life that if she isn't receiving the love and attention she is giving she will get tired and move on. Because deep down, we know their is some man out there that will finally appreciate every little crazy thing about us. Not only appreciate it, but be in love with it- see it as perfect. Due to these thoughts is why the moving on process is were women have the upper hand. That is the part that we find a little easier to do. Men, when you see a drastic change happen in a woman's life- a crazy haircut, a new hair color, a new job position, new fashion, etc.-  I assure- 90% of the time that is a woman moving on from a man. We do this because for us, starting a new chapter not only requires new love but a new and improved us. 

The reason I believe it takes longer for men to recover a heartache is because for them to fall in love it takes longer and the steps they take are more complicated. Men analyze the problem, the good and the bad and while at times I admit they take advantage of certain moments (such as our love and attention), when they love a woman- a part of them will always love her. 

Monday, August 22, 2011

Pointers: Keeping the Mystery Alive

This blog is to both sexes- things men and women should NOT do in front of one another while they are in the lovey dovey stage- or ever.

You know the list is a lot shorter for men then it is for women. Sadly because we women have to seem like we are perfect to these certain men... and not only perfect but that we were born with such perfect skin, hair, body, etc. So women, when you are with your man- lock yourself up in the bathroom if you want to do the following things: wearing a face mask, waxing, shaving, popping a pimple, farting or going number 2. 
Let us be serious, it's awesome to have great skin- so it is understandable why one wears a face mask or pops a pimple or two- BUT DO NOT DO THIS IN FRONT OF HIM. I mean, keep something a mystery- let him believe you were born with that perfect skin and that something as simple as water and face soap keeps your face that beautiful. There is no need for him to see you with a green mask, were you could barely even talk! And also expecially avoid him seeing you close to the mirror popping that yellow head and then seeing it squirt out. NOT PRETTY LADIES, NOT PRETTY! 
Second- they know we shave or wax- it's obvious... but don't let them actually see you do it. Especially if you are going to wax something on your face... like I said, let him believe you have the perfect eyebrows or that you don't in fact have a mustache. 
Last- the farting and going to the bathroom. You hold in that fart as much as you can! Worst case you get up and go to the kitchen to get some water or you walk to the bathroom to "wash your hands" but do not let out a loud on in front of him. Now, the bathroom part- the peeing I don't think is a bad idea- who cares, if anything that actually shows a bit of your comfort with him. But going to bathroom for the other part- don't do that in front of him. Lock the door- do it quick and clean up nice. There is no need for him to even know or imagine you sitting on that toilet... pushing. I am just saying!!

Now guys- as for you... don't think you have been saved on this one. We really don't need to see you taking a dump either- the smell alone will gross us out. You could go ahead and fart in front of us, after we been seeing each other for a few months... technically we will laugh and it won't bother us that much.  The way us women are, if we are in love, we might even find it kind of cute. I know, I know- we are extremely strange. Also, the shaving, DOWN THERE, don't do that in front of us- but please do continue doing it!

Well I hope these pointers help. Remember keep some mystery alive and ladies don't stop taking care of yourself- no matter what. 

Friday, August 19, 2011

Should I stay or should I go?

You really like this dude, you have sex with him and then you wonder- should I get up and go home or do I stay the night? Well here is a way one could know if you do the walk of shame or if you stay in the bed, under the covers. 

When you are done and you roll over, instead of just staring at the ceiling, pondering your next move, pay attention to his! Does he roll over and give you his back? If so, that is definitely a sign to grab your things, say you had a good time, but you need to go. However, if he rolls over and grabs you to cuddle- that is your sign that sweetie, you are staying over (I hope you brought your toothbrush!). 

According to a guy's answer from the magazine Cosmopolitan, when a woman ask the question if men like to cuddle he said:

"We like to cuddle when it's with someone who we actually want to wake up next to in the morning." 

Ladies, start reading those actions of his! He might be saying more than we actually listen to. 

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Duplicate You

Let's go back to the Universe stuff. Let's discuss time traveling. It has now been "proved" impossible to time travel- but my question is- have you ever gotten déjà-vu? How do you explain that? I am not saying that time traveling is possible, I am no scientist to prove such things, but maybe in one of these other planets, LIGHTS YEARS AWAY, it is our lives- but in the future or past. Wouldn't that be a cool thought? I mean- I doubt it- but then how does one explain Déjà-vu?

How could we be living in the moment and then all of a sudden know what is going to happen or have the sensation that this has already happened. How can one explain that? I know I know, Scientist have already ruled out time traveling, but let us just say, what if one of those planets light years away, is ourselves in the future or in the past. Like another time of us- where maybe different decisions were made. Like you didn’t go to that college, instead you went to the other one. Or that you decided to call him back after that huge fight and everything got fixed and you are now still with him. I mean- I know it’s a silly thought, but wouldn’t it be kind of cool? To know that there is another duplicate, exactly like you, living your life but different? Maybe that could explain those moments you are just there, laughing with your friends and all of a sudden you get that weird vibe, that sensation that you have done this and you right then and there know what is going to happen next and when it happens it sort of freaks you out. Then the moment is gone and everything is just back to normal. Maybe that moment- that second of déjà-vu, was the moment of your other self in another planet going through it and instead that person did something different. Ever stop to think how many decisions you take daily!! How many times I wake up and hit the snooze button, or the days I don’t hit the snooze button…. Those five minutes of sleeping in could have changed my entire day or vice versa. Think about it. When you go have lunch and you decide to go with a friend instead of going alone. When you decide that you want to stay in and not go out with your friends. So many decisions, so many different moments that changes a fragment of our lives. It’s mind bobbing. So don’t go calling me crazy- one never does know what is out there in this universe… it might be your future or past that is being played out by another you. I am just saying


I saw this on Twitter- @Rosemcgowan posted this picture of her friend's dog, which she says looks like Chewbacca from Star Wars. I couldn't agree more!! It is to cute... 
The things owners do to their pets are sometimes to funny. But I have to admit I would totally have done this too if I had a dog like this one!!! 

Having sex or making Love?

I bought September's 2011 Cosmopolitan and was reading the article- "Guys answer your Sex Questions." Today I am going to go ahead and talk about this one specific question that was the most interesting to me and then later I'll talk about the guy's reply.

"How do we know if you're having sex or making love?"

I am sure we (men and women) have all, at one point, thought about this. Although I am sure it crosses more the mind of women then it does of men. Which is fine, after all we women are the more emotional ones. Or so they say. However, before I detour into another subject let me continue on with this one. I have always believed that a man when he is having sex, if he cares more about what he is doing to you than what he is doing for himself- shows that he cares an extreme. Think about it. Stop and think ladies, that guy, whichever one it is that popped into your head when I mentioned you to think, yea him. When you first started having sex with him- how was he? Did he just care to get there and then really not worry oh so much if you did or didn't have the big O? I mean- I am sure if he made you get there it was a plus- but that wasn't his main concern. His main concern was him. But now, that same guy- months later- doesn't it change a bit? Because by experience, I can admit that at first, guys don't seem to really care if we get there or not. Their main concern is them. But as time goes and all of a sudden it is more than just sex- doesn't things change? All of a sudden they don't care so much about them- they just love to see us get there and at times they love to see us get there more than once. That is when ladies- we need to realize that it's not just sex anymore to them. At that moment- it became something a little more. Maybe for us- just cause we are romantics- we could go ahead and call that "making love."

The reply from the guy to the question on the Cosmo magazine was the following:

If the guy is focusing a lot on your pleasure, it's probably more than "just" sex to him.

You see ladies and men! That when your partner is all of a sudden more focused on you than they are on themselves, that shows that they care... that all of a sudden sex isn't just sex to him or her! So next time you are doing the dirty with your partner- pay attention, what is his or her main concern? Who knows you might not just be having sex anymore- you might be "making love."

Monday, August 15, 2011

Now he's happily married...

I was browsing the internet- decided to catch up on some gossip on E! Online when I bumped into this photo:
Now, I admit I have never watched "Dancing with the Stars" which is apparently the show she hosts, but I did watch for many many years Baywatch and it was mostly because of that man on the picture- David Charvet. Shoot- I remember waiting frantically for 8:00pm to come around so I could sit myself in front of the television and watch this hottie in red trunk suits saving lives. How many times would I make a fantasy in my head that he would come around and save me? Yea, I was a little young then- A preteen I believe, but I was in love. Confession? I use to write stories as a little girl- and the main love interest in all my stories was David Charvet! Yea... that just goes to show. However, I believe when I got older and Freddie Prinze Junior came into the movie screen- David Charvet got downgraded in my stories as the cute older brother of the main character- which her name was always Evelyn. Go figure- what a coincidence! But he did inspire all my stories for a long time- he should know that before his downgrade he was happily married a few times to the character "Evelyn." I don't know- I am just saying.

However, as life would have it he just recently got married, "for the first time." But congrats anyways to this happy couple.  Although, I should break the news to Brooke Burke- that for many years (and many stories) he was indeed mine first. Sorry Brookie! 

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Nicolas Giovanni

It's about that time where I go on and write a little about one of my friends. I am curious to know if my friends actually like these blogs about them or are terrified.
Now this one specific friend is the know it all- you know what I am talking about. The one that when it comes to that one specific thing- he knows all about. However, I have to admit that when it comes to lighting a set- he does know everything about it. His name is Nicolas, but no one that I know (except for his brother) actually calls him that. So for us, and mostly everyone else, he is known as Chachito. He has been working in setting lights and making a name for himself since he was in high school- so yes, you could go ahead and say he has made a damn good name for himself. So obviously, yours truly puts him in all her references when she is looking for production jobs. He is also the one that I turn to when I have some question about production- or in need of some advice.
Besides the work thing- he is the only one in the "Troop"- actually I think any of my friends- that is my exact age. He is one month younger than I am, to the date- although he does look older and at times acts older. I did say AT TIMES- because if we are in a club, most probably one that is playing reggaton, and he all of sudden is taking all sorts of shots and drinking Jack Daniels, he loses like three years of age. When he gets in this mode- we call him Giovanni and when he is Giovanni expect to hear bad accents. He all of a sudden starts to speak with an italian accent, adding a vowel at the end of every word and making more hand movements than usual. Oh, and beware if someone that is not part of the troop plays along, and decides that they too want an accent, he will quickly title them an impostor. 
But truth be told- he is one of my best friends. He is like the older brother I never had (Oh hold on I do have an older brother! Ha!). He goes on with all my spoiled ways- if I want a photoshoot- his truly will make it possible. If I am all of a sudden craving a mocha frap- it will miraculously appear. The new one, which I have to admit is the ice cream craving I get and like an older brother- he will make it happen for his little sister. Like I said- he does act older than I do! Chachi- I love you. 

Poke- BESO!

Here is something us women, no matter what will never understand... We know you men are busy throughout the day, work and all... but why in dear God's name can men not send one text or a reply to one of our texts? Really- what is that going to do? Stop your work for a whole 40 seconds? However, don't just send a "Beso" text- that doesn't work! Actually- what the hell does "Beso" even mean, really? We know it's a kiss- but what does have to do with anything? So MJ, Fio and I asked around- trying to find the logic behind this so called "Beso" and one of our fellow co-workers gave us his answer. What was his reply, you wonder? This: "It's like sending you a poke on Facebook." So now we are getting poked? Come on! I never even understood the whole poking thing on Facebook to begin with! So now my so called "No titles" is in some way "poking" me? I can't. But men, listen... seriously!! We women need to be paid attention to, we are needy creatures, it's annoying... but it is what it is! Now, if we don't get that attention, what happens is we simply get bored and all of a sudden we get annoyed and don't want to be nice to you anymore. Trust us, when we are nice, WE ARE NICE and when we are bitches, WE ARE BITCHES. So... don't make us into a bitch. This could be avoided- I promise! So yes, we understand that you guys are busy, that you work and all... but guess what- so do we! But I guess, unlike you guys, we can actually multitask. We are the smarter sex after all... I'm just saying.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Love Advice from Sunny

Have you ever watched the movie "A Bronx Tale"- with Robert DeNiro? The first time I came about that movie I was only a child- a young preteen. I was home with my cousin Joselyn, for some reasons my sisters were not home. I bumped into this movie on Showtime and we started watching it. From the first moment I saw it I absolutely loved it- till this day, I still love it! I even owned it on DVD- but I think I have misplaced it! However, let me stop rambling on and get to the point. There was this line in the movie, that has stuck with me since I first saw the movie. The character Sunny is giving some love advice to C. He tells him: 
"You gotta do what your heart tells you to do. Let me tell you somethin' right now. You're only allowed three great women in your lifetime. They come along like the great fighters, every ten years. Rocky Marciano. Sugar Ray Robinson. Joe Louis. Sometimes you get 'em all at once. Me? I had my three when I was 16. That happens. What are you gonna do? That's the way it goes, you know? Tell you right now. See this girl? Maybe this girl, she put wind in your sails. Maybe she's your first great one." 
Maybe we are provided with three great loves in our lives. And if it's so- I might get super cheesy on you guys now- but I believe I am in my third.

My first- not the greatest, but definitely one that molded me- Herman. Great kid. The one I was with for six years and engaged to. It came and it went- but there it is. My first "love" in some sense.
My second- a bit more infamous- Joseph. Herman may have molded me, but Joseph made me. I found all the courage and peace within myself because of him. We had a story many didn't understand- but it was still our story. However, that ended and it's okay... because not everything that one thinks is meant to be, actually is. But he will always hold a special place in my heart- no denying that.
My third- so new that it's crazy to even mention- Mauricio. Now, he might just be the one that completes me. The one that I know will care for me, when I just seem to stop caring. The one who makes me realize that this is what I needed for myself and a relationship the whole time. He truly does make me want to be better. Better for him. (Oh My God- I have become super cheesy- this is all truly his fault!). But it is what it is and I am sure my story with him will be the great one. 

So, have you guys stop to wonder? Do you have three great loves? Have you been through all three? It's crazy- but I think the writer to this film was on to something- Sunny was right!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Cooking Moments- brought to you by ME.

Let me tell you how I cooked Filet Mignon for him the other night and it was great! However, due to this I now think I am a chef and all I want to do is look into recipe ideas and start cooking! This, for those who really know me, is very unlike me! I don't ever spend much time in the kitchen, unless it's to throw in a TV dinner in the microwave- and even then there has been moments I over cook that! The most I ever cooked is spaghettis with ground turkey (and yes it does taste awesome!)- but that's it, it stops there. Everything else is simply delivered or cooked by my grandmother. However, two weeks ago I decided I wanted to cook something for him that I have never cooked before... I mean after all, a way to a man's heart is through his stomach. So after walking around the market and realizing the only thing I knew how to cook is ground turkey spaghettis I realized I was screwed. I quickly picked up the phone and called one of my sisters- Sara. She started throwing out ideas and I started quickly declining them. She then mentioned Shrimp Alfredo. Sounded easy enough- so, I bought the ingredients needed and started to cook. He enjoyed it!! This past week- I was craving steak and so Filet Mignon came to mind. After asking many on advice on how to cook this tender steak and getting different answers from everyone- I turned to the source that has never let me down! GOOGLE. It helped, TONS! I cooked the Filet and it was amazing- so much so he wanted seconds! So, now I believe I am Rachel Ray! Dear Lord save me! HA!! So this weekend I might attempt to make BBQ Ribs! And as for tonight- if all goes as planned and my night doesn't become a long one- I might make Breaded chicken!! With the sides of  red beans and brown rice (minute rice in the microwave- lmfao! You can't expect me to know how to cook everything yet!). 

World look out- danger is on it's way to the kitchen!!!!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Life Forms

I was reading articles on Space, Galaxies, Time Travel, and Life Forms in other planets. I love to read about such things, to just know that we live in a planet that holds billions of people- but at the end of it, we are just one small tiny planet mixed in with billions and billions of stars and other planets. So I have decided to dedicate a few post in my blog about this.
Did you know that the biggest planet in our solar system, which is Jupiter, can hold about 1300 Earths!? Just stop to think about that, is that not just something mind blowing? Our planet is so small compared to many of the things out there!!
So now- the point I want to touch, I had an ex-boyfriend years ago (the one I was engaged to) that never believed in life on other planets. This honestly baffled me! I never understood it. How could one believe that we are the only ones? I mean- look beyond this galaxy and think of the entire Universe, I mean it is practically impossible to think of the whole Universe, since we don't even know when it ends! So how could planet Earth be the only little lucky bastard to hold life forms? Come on!! Do you know how many galaxies have planets that are similar to ours? Ones that scientist believe is capable to hold life form?! Which only means- their has to be other beings or forms of life in planets light years away. One can't be so naive to think that we are the only ones.
I am not saying we have been visited by little green men or what not- that part I doubt and well, nowadays, who knows, right? But I do believe that more life is out there and who knows maybe more of you are out there- ever stop to think of that? Deja-vu is something pretty tricky... how do you explain that? But I will go ahead and leave that for another blog, for another day!

Keep shinning even though we are only a small dot in the universe!!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Everything Happens for a Reason

I have always been a fond believer of the saying- "Everything happens for a reason." Like right now- everything I am going through in my life, has to be for a reason- and I think those reasons are to push me to work on my future.
In this current project that I am working on- my position has been nothing that I had imagined it to be. I went from a coordinator to almost an assistant for specific talents!! And let me tell you how your girl is so not the assistant type. I don't have that personality- I am bitchy, it's a fact! I was never good at being asked or actually "bossed" to do something. Not even from my own mother- the brat that I am! You don't even know. But since I guess I am more "mature" now- I go ahead, still giving my looks , and do it. Why? Mostly because I have committed myself to this project and well it's also almost done! Now, why do I believe this hideous position is happening for a reason? Well- to push me to do my own thing that much quicker! I have come down to the conclusion- I need to sort of be my own boss. Hence why the girls and I have our own company- Dream Big Productions. Now, Fio, Vero and I have been coming up with great future ideas in which we could produce and at this moment we are doing our first short-film for Dream Big Productions. It truly is something amazing, to do what you love and be able to do it on your own account! 
Nevertheless, work is only one of the things that I believe that is happening for a reason- the other part is  my love life (the soap opera that I live, ha)!  I have found someone, I believe, to be perfect. I am saying, perfect for me- because we all know that no one is perfect, but he is exactly what I have always needed and I do believe that I am exactly what he needs. But due to a big error on my part, I am now not only a bitch at work, but a bitch in love! So why is this happening? Why am I trying so hard and why have I not just said the hell with it and walked away from him? Because something in me, is telling me that this one might actually be worth the time and effort I am placing. 
So, yea... I will continue to play the bitch role for sometime- because all of this is just happening so at the end I could have what I am meant to have and appreciate it that much more! 
So guys- look around your life, if it's shitty... maybe that is because you have to go through this to push yourself for a better future. Never give up and always look into the bright side of things- there will always be good and bad- but if it's bad it's because it is not over yet and the good is right around the corner. 

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Reaching the Sea

Finally, after many Dream Big (our production company) meetings, we started filming our first production this past weekend. I just honestly want to take this time to not only realize that all of this is happening but that we are doing our thing and not someone else's projects! It's a huge step for us, but we started it! Granted, errors here and there.... but we still did it!
Can't say how grateful I am to all of the people that have pulled through for us. From my dad to Mandy! Everyone pulled through and helped us... It was a great start, a great weekend, exhausting, but fulfilling. 

To my partners- Fio and Vero, we still have tons to go, but girls we got this weekend done! To our Director Alejandro- you drive us all crazy at times, but truth be told without you we would still be wondering what we will be doing. To Luis, Jesus, Maya, Tommy, and Joseph- you guys gave us your time to lend a hand and a very well needed hand it was. Mauricio, my famous "him"-  when I felt lost, he gave me the advice needed and was there helping all of us.
My talent- Rancel, Pablo Azar, David Chocarro, Ariel, etc. you guys are great and I am happy we still have other scenes to shoot!! Thank you for believing in us and this project and helping us.

Finally making Dream Big a reality... I will blog and give other inputs and updates on the short film Reaching the Sea as the time comes about.  Can't wait to have the final product and share it with everyone.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Update on my life

Hello Lovelies!!

Let me give you an update on my life, since I haven't blogged in four days! Well, we started filming at work, so my days and hours and been consumed with actual work (yay no more boring office duties)!! However, as life would have it... that short film that my production company Dream Big has planned for, what seems like ages, is finally this weekend!! I have a specific talent flying in for it- I will go ahead and spoil the surprise on who the talent it later on- and I feel as unprepared as ever. So of course, my stress levels reached a max at some point last night until "HE" told me to get it together and basically stop stressing before I even get started... So here I am! Trying not to stress and produce this short film with the girls. Good news is, Saturday seems almost ready... Sunday we are still missing a few things to close, but- I know how kick ass the girls and I are- I am sure we will pull through and finally get this show on the road. After all... we do dream big.

So in my spare time I have been thinking about learning how to iron. HAHAHA- sorry I just had to say something about this. Can you believe I had some woman say to me, in front of other people from work, "How is it possible that you don't know how to iron?!" She was actually upset that I didn't know how to iron, which means I couldn't help her do her job. I mean, all because I have a boobs and don't have a penis between my legs, doesn't mean I automatically know how to iron! How sexiest is that?! I mean- excuse me? I swear... I actually had to take a deep breathe and calm myself, cause the fury in me grew quicker than the Hulk's. "You wouldn't like me when I am angry."

Anyhow, on a better note... I was informed today (Thank you Sergio) that the new Incubus album will be released soon. I am so looking forward to it!! I love them... Anyone else a fan?

Well pardon me while I burst... (Incubus song!!) but I have some preproduction I have to work on and soon have to go to my job, to take care of the talent. 

Saturday, July 9, 2011

The Big Dipper

Dear Period,

I understand that you are a necessity- and don't get me wrong, I am grateful for your visit every month... but since you are my "friend" let us have a serious talk. Not only do you make my sex life a little more complicated a week out of every month, but you come along with cramps, messing with the hormones, bloating, backaches, and zits! I mean... I could deal with certain things!! The cramps, they hurt but I will swallow two pain relievers, get under the covers in the fetal position, and boom after what seems like hours- the pain goes away. Then we have the  hormones, were one moment I am so angry I could almost kill a man and then, two seconds later, I am so sensitive that I am crying over a commercial. Oh come on! Seriously? Ok fine- I will deal! Then we have the bloating- this is time every woman hates to put on her one favorite pair of jeans, because it now feels like the button might just fly off and hit someone in the eye (hopefully a man's). It's okay I will pull out the old raggedy jeans! I don't care at this moment... But, dear period, when you decide to add pimples to my face- things start getting serious!! I now have, due to you, what looks like the Bigger Dipper on my face! Not one pimple- but three? So don't call yourself my friend! You bring me pain, make me moody, make me feel fat, and now you decide to paint the astronomy of the stars in my face?! So as of now- until at least my face clears up- you will be known as the enemy. 

Your ex friend.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Happy Belated Birthday Bestie...

I know I am a few days late to say Happy Birthday to my Best Friend Fio, who turned "25" for the second time of her life, 6 days ago- but hey! Better late than never!! So Bestie, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Now- let me go on and talk a bit about this peculiar little one. She's that one friend that is always happy and has a ton of other different friends- you know which one I am talking about, we all have at least one of these friends (and if you don't- you might be that "friend"- think about it). But now, what differs her from people in general is how quickly her friendliness can turn to bitchy. She will give you that smile that you know in that very moment that you are in shit deep and  guess what! yup- you lost your paddle!!  However, she gets over it just as quick (she only acts tough! She's like a little Yorkie- all bark lol!)- sometimes she will go on and hold a grudge for a few days... all you have to do is take her out to have a drink, let her get extra happy with some happy "Apple Juice" and she will forget it all together. 
While she has her moods and she is a bit bossy- she is honestly my best diary. She has literally heard it all from me and while she knows at times I am in the wrong (and God knows she will tell me)- she is there holding my hand when I fucked up and crying. She is the kind of woman that takes things personal when they have to relate to her friends or family. EXAMPLE- She couldn't stand "Him" at first because she didn't understand his intentions towards me... while it took a while to budge (she still doesn't like him 100%) she has learned to like him because I like him. 
She has a passion you won't even begin to believe, don't judge her by her size, she is a little crazy- enough to love crazy people around her, she loves her reggaeton music (yes- Reggaeton!), she cries in sappy movies, she's scared of scary movies (can't even see a Horror Trailer), she loves her Peruvian food (She is a proud Inca), she loves her colors (the brighter, the better)... and I could continue on with the list.; however, I will stop there. I will just finish it with this- you all know you have one of those girlfriends that through it all you know that you can count on- that no matter how selfish you are or how busy she is- that she is literally one call (or in our case- a text) away. Met her three years ago and from that moment she became the bestie! In a nut shell- she is My Best Friend.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Dear Therapist,

Let me tell you all about my retail therapy I have done this weekend- damage beyond! Got me some nice purses, some new ray-bans, jeans, blouse, perfume, books, and most importantly Vueve Clicquot (my favorite Champagne). Now, while this did some damage to the wallet- it worked! Made me stop thinking for a few hours (at one moment almost the whole day), other times for a few hours- about HIM. Is it not funny how quickly buying pretty little things just make most women forget whatever their dilemma at that moment is? But sadly, money ends, stores close and then one is back to the reality of shit. As mentioned, I have been driving my poor friends crazy with all my novella (spanish for soap operas)- but hey! I spoiled them too during my shopping spree! Now, I am going to go ahead and give my poor friends a moment off and go ahead and blog about it. So guys- you will now be my therapist... Sorry! Hey, don't leave!! I mean seriously- most of you can relate- right? Have you not ever wondered- "At what moment did I get so involved with HIM? Why the hell did this happen and why was I not aware?" I mean it literally creeps up on you- one moment you are confused about someone else and all of a sudden it's him that you can't stop thinking of!!
Now the saying, "You never know what you have until you don't have it." I have used on my exes- knowing they will come crawling back once they left and for the most part- most of them have! But damn- I have never been on the other end of that saying. I know now how very true that stupid saying is. I went on and fucked up and I am not even going to make excuses for myself. I did what I did and now my consequence is apologizing and trying to win him back. Why? Because if there is one thing about me- I never give up on something that makes me happy. And dammit- HE made me happy. 
So my advice- never give up! Try and try until you literally can't try anymore. If you fail- AT LEAST YOU KNOW YOU GAVE IT YOUR ALL!! So dear therapist, I am not giving up. I will win him back and I will just show how much it is I care- now that I finally realize how much I do. 

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Fourth of July

First off I would like to say Happy Fourth of July!! Great day for our beautiful country, which most of us spend in front of a BBQ and getting together with fireworks- please be careful! 

Now, I know I have been driving my poor friends this week crazy with some personal issues and for that same reason is why I have stayed away from the blog- I am sorry! I have been doing so much thinking about so many stupid little things this week and finally I have come down to the conclusion that you should never give up on something that makes you happy. So, if you are ever scared, sad, or mad- don't let that happiness slip away. If you messed up- as I have with my problem- try everything you got to win back that happiness. Worst case scenario, it doesn't work and you really just have to let go. But the question is- when is it time to let go? Would one know? Will I know? I am sure that is all questions that will be answered in the near future. 

But I do believe that we make mistakes to learn from them and with each error we mature. So every day I learn something new, every day I grow older and every day I am going to continue to fight for my happiness. 

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A Free Week Pass

This post is definitely for the women- and men if you wish to have some insight in women, feel free to continue reading.

Every month- as known, we women are met by our special "friend" that decides to visit for 4-7 days. She can be a pain in the ass! But you know what's worse than her- the PMS that visits you the week or days before your friend Period decides to come over. Now- pmsing is when all your hormones are all over the map and not only do we become bitchy and emotional- we become needy!! Now- men, we know we are annoying during this moment- that is the worst part!! We know it!! But we sure as hell can't do shit about it! It's something that overcomes us- all of a sudden all of our insecurities are thrown out on the surface and as much as we try to act cool- we can't!! So we become extra clingy- all of a sudden questioning every thing!!! And we turn to the men in hopes that they could help us with all our doubts. To know that you do in fact care... Even though deep down inside we know you do!! But then of course doubt is placed there due to our great friend PMS. So... Men, please give us this week of a free pass. Work with us a little bit- I promise once it's over- we will go back to being the one you know and love! And if we cry- don't get scared...

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Just Go With It

Is it not crazy when you stop and look around to notice all the changes that have occurred in such a short period of time in your life? When you stop and wonder when did it all change and did you ever imagine it would turn out this way? Not only are you wondering how you got here- but will it change again and before you know it what you thought you knew was just as fake as all the other shit that went down in the past.

Isn’t life crazy?  You are never sure of anything!! Because it is not only your thoughts and actions involved- but the ones you love and surround you- their actions affect you as well!!

I am 28 years old (you will read this now and after it will forever delete from your memory) and if you would have asked me 10 years ago were I would have thought to have been at this age of my life- none of my answers would have been correct. Not one single one of them- I am not married, not in the exact position I wish to be in my career, nor do I have a child of my own.

Now don’t get me wrong- I love my life and honestly I am not ready for none of the of the things my 18 year old self wanted (only maybe the career part- but the marriage I ran from 4 years ago and the children is no where near my idea of a lifestyle at this moment) but what I mean is- that was my idea 10 years ago! Now, I slowly see myself one step closer to what it is I want NOW; however, what makes me say what I want now I will still want when I am 38? Nothing is ever clear… no matter how many questions you ask and no matter how many answers you receive. No one ever stays the same, not even yourself- we all change! No matter what that saying “No one ever changes” - which we have all heard and used used in our lifetime- might say, I don’t buy it. If anything we never STOP changing. I am who I am now- more real than I have ever been in my life…. But 10 years from now I might be someone else completely.

All I can say... is just live your life to the fullest- don't regret a damn thing and LIVE and LOVE!! Now I am not saying to not think ahead of yourself. Go ahead and plan, I mean what else can you do…. but life plays out its course the way it wants to, all you have to do jump on the wave and JUST GO WITH IT.  

Monday, June 27, 2011

She has No Friends: Smurf Addition

Ok- you know that "Less is more" saying? Well, apparently Hayden Panettiere never understood that concept. It looks like she woke one day and got inspired by a smurf!! I mean, Smurfette is cool and all- but let's not get inspired by her.  This is just to much!! The dress, in general, isn't that bad, if she wore it alone- but those blue stockings?!? Then besides being real dark ALL AROUND, she adds black heels to this horrendous outfit!! I really can't with her choice of clothing that she decided to wear. She should have ditched the navy blue stockings, added some nude ones (if it was cold, if not don't wear any!) and maybe instead of black heels go with nude heels. 
NOTE: Every woman should own two pair of heels- black and nude ones! I mean, you have those colors and you really don't need to worry much when it comes down to the shoe department.
However, do worry about the hot mess of matching to the T. All because you are wearing one specific color DOES NOT MEAN you have to wear everything else the same exact color! Play with colors, be a little daring. Wear all black but with nude or colored shoes. Something of that sense!
So Hayden, nice attempt- but total fail. "Save the Cheerleader, save the world." (Heroes Fan know that saying!). Apparently no one saved you from this hot mess! I hate to be the one to tell you- but you have NO FRIENDS

Saturday, June 25, 2011

NY passes Gay Marriages!

I just have to blog about how happy I am that New York is now one of the states that has legalized Gay Marriages. We have to see that everyone, gay, straight, bisexual, lesbian, etc. should have the same rights!! It should not matter when it comes to marriages if the one getting married is not marrying the opposite sex. Marriage is an extra bond to their love, a tie and announcement to the one they love! Now, rather you love some one of the same sex- shouldn't matter!! Love is love! It isn't meant to be understood! Whoever has  been in love, can be asked to describe it and I am sure there is no specific way to explain it. IT JUST IS!
So New York, congrats to a huge movement and making the right choice. I bet the celebration there is a fantastic one! I hope with time all the other states that have yet to legalize this will start to realize that it isn't fair to take away a right from someone simply because they aren't what one would consider "normal." We live in a world where no one is the same- it's something beautiful- the ones who haven't realized that need to open their eyes and see the beauty in it! 

Remember- real love doesn't see more than the love of another. It doesn't need to make sense- it simply is!!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Cinderella has Nothing on Vero!

Let me take this time to tell you all about Veronica (the blonde seen in the picture above)- or as I call her Vero. She is the kind of woman that wants to conquer the world with her hair lose, make-up in tack and wearing an incredible fashionable outfit. She would go about asking anyone and everyone whatever questions she feels the need to be known (it's her journalist instincts, I think).  But what you have to admire is how she is never shy to ask her questions. It could be to a waiter, who is picking up the dishes as she stops him dead on his tracks to just ask some random question. The one being asked the question quickly moves their gaze from her to Fio, Isel and myself. We tend to just stare back- waiting to hear the response. Guess what?! They always respond! So she always gets that quote she needs for her story.
Now, when she isn't stuck in the editing room or in front of the camera reporting she can be found safely in her house. When her quest to make herself heard in this world is place on paused, she is training to become the prefect housewife. One of the many things she enjoys to do at home is bake- who knows if thats her practicing for the future husband or simply because she loves sweets so much that she has a need to perfect it! I am going with the second choice here... and trust me I don't mind her attempts to bake, cause she actually knows how to and she tends to feed us with goodies when we see her! Now when she isn't backing- she has a Cinderella complex- she is cleaning and washing clothes. Fio and I always tend to wonder how much does a girl, who is barely ever home, have to clean and pick up every Sunday. But truth be told- it is still a mystery to us! Hey Vero, when you can would you share that info with us?
But hands down, one thing I honestly love about her- is that the conversations are never dull. We could be talking about work, love on another moment, and then how to go down on a man the other. Yes, we will have all these conversations out on public and when we three or four (Vero, Fio, Me and Isel) get together we are not that quietest bunch- actually I am damn sure we are the loudest. Now- ask us if we care? I will promise the answer will be a straight out No. Then we have our girls or Troop night out- which always end up in some club. Now in the club you can see Vero quickly shaking her head side to side and raising her arms in the air when one of the songs she loves comes about. She always looks out for us girls and if some ugly guy attempts to dance or talk, she quickly grabs our hands and moves us out of the way. Cause as she would say: "Friends don't let friends talk to ugly guys!"
So Vero, girly, we need to continue on with our dreams and start drinking our Cliquot daily! And hey you can continue practice being the good future housewife and feel free to clean up my room. I am sure you will do it perfectly! Love you!

Boss Bitch: Marilyn Monroe

As promised- I am going to write my first post on a woman I find absolutely memorable: 
Marilyn Monroe. 

Who has not heard of the beautiful Marilyn Monroe? Yes, she was known as a sex symbol, thought of as just a pretty little face that used her looks to get what she needed... but I see beyond that. She knew what she was doing- she knew what she wanted and granted she may have used her feminine ways to get them- but what woman in history has not at one point or another? And (just some quick advice) if you haven't used your feminine ways, try it! You will see the charm in being a woman and with just a smile how you can get what you need.

Marilyn was a foster child, moved from house to house, never really having a home. She dreamed of the great life- being famous! She started as a model and soon became an actress. She dreamed it and made it a reality and for that I generally admire this woman. She made sure to continue with more- opening her own production company "Marilyn Monroe Productions" and from there she released a movie.
But behind her success was a just a simple woman- one ALL of us can relate to. Because even after all the things us women do, after all the success and achievements we accomplish- we simply want to be loved. That is one thing us women do have in common. 

"A career is wonderful, but you can't curl up with it on a cold night" - Marilyn Monroe

So like all women- she simply wanted to be loved and accepted for HER. Not for the image she had created. She wanted to be accepted.

"I have feelings too. I am still human. All I want is to be loved, for myself and for my talent. " -Marilyn Monroe

Sadly Marilyn Monroe's life ended when she was only 36 years old due to an overdose. One is never to sure if it was a suicide or not and I guess one will never really have the answer to that. But it is a fact that she made an impact on not only the life of entertainment but on many different people- men and women alike. 
So why would I add Marilyn to my post about Fantastic Women? Because through all the beauty- she was not scared to be in a man's world and still play the role of a woman. She played a dumb one- granted- but that was all an act! She was smarter then she led on to be, simply because, I believe,  she imagined that the world would accept her better in that manner.

"I've never fooled anyone. I've let people fool themselves. They didn't bother to find out who and what I was. Instead they would invent a character for me. I wouldn't argue with them. They were obviously loving somebody I wasn't." - Marilyn Monroe

But times have changed and women nowadays are taken more seriously. However, as women we need to realize that we can still be the way we are, be "women-like" and still be able to do all a man can do in his world. Because after all- we all have a little bit of a Boss Bitch in us- the way Marilyn did. One simply needs  to learn how to not be scared to show off, be great, be better and all the while rocking the hot heels. Ha! Beat that men!  
"Well behaved women rarely make history." - Marilyn Monroe

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

DANGER: Love Advice from me!

LOVE. A word so damn powerful that it scares the crap put of me. Don't get me wrong, I feel like I am the type of girl that is perfect to that one man she loves, but sincerely, do to past events I am a little scared to fall again. 

But then again, it's something you really can't run from, now is it? I mean what are you going to do- hide in a room all alone and never make contact with another person? And I mean- you can do that- but how boring!! How does one not crave that affection from another being? The kissing, the hugs and especially the sex! Of course you could always just be here and there with different people and make sure to avoid any connection. That's okay at first, fun even and I do recommend it for the women who haven't done this at least once... but eventually don't you want to be that woman or man that the other will always remember? Listen, if I am going to make you a part of my life- even if it's only for a time period and not forever- you better believe I am going to mark it to the point that you will always remember me... I simply won't be another one on a list- unless I want to be (which is the advice I gave out earlier to the women who haven't had that just one random person. Doesn't have to be a one night stand- but somebody that you just don't care enough to really remember them later on in your life.) Am I making myself clear? 

Now ladies- how do you not become just some one on their list? Stand out!! Be crazy!! Be yourself but make sure that men realize that you are YOU!! Don't fall into the category that they have made for us. You know which one I am speaking of-  the one that we are needy beyond their control and that they have us in the palms of their hand and that all we do is to please them. Yea that bullshit... but lets be realistic- they are right about most of us. And those women are the ones that fall in that list I am talking about. Now- I know it's hard to stop being this way (trust me) but if you are going to be like this... make sure you do stuff that stands out!! I know I am the type of woman that is needy and technically likes to please the one I like... but I sure as hell (for reasons I don't even know) stand out! I have been called crazy by most of the men in my life. Maybe it's my temper and I speak out beyond, I am my own individual but I am not scared to tell a man what it is I want. So my fellow women- don't be scared to be yourself... don't let a man make you be a certain manner... because why would they want to be with someone who is fake? BE REAL... honestly it's super easy and if you don't make an impact then... you might just be a lost cause.

Teaser for Upcoming Posts

I have decided to dedicate a post every week to fantastic women. I am not only going to sit and speak about past women who have marked history (which I will mention them as well) but of all women. Through it all, we women are great and I would love to share that with my readers. I do, however, have to thank my Monster- Joseph- for this idea. After all he was the one who told me to do posts of this topic.

Other posts I think I shall continue is "She has no Friends" because I always find it fun to make fun of someone's bad taste on fashion. 

So I hope you guys stick around and continue to read my blog. My next post will be about Fantastic Women... so stay tuned.

And remember these wise words from Marilyn Monroe- "Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world." 

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

She has NO Friends-Part Duex

I know that I don't have to say much to this mess... but let me go just add a few things... cause my mind is going all over the place with this!

What was Paula Abdul thinking? I mean, she was never a Fashion Queen, but what happened here? It looks like she had an idea of doing this nice black sexy dress and then all of a sudden, she ran out of fabric and got inspired by flamenco and BOOM- this came out! And I go back to saying- she has NO FRIENDS and if she thinks she does, they aren't her friends!! Why would Paula think this looked good? Just staring at her and that smile, I actually feel bad for her! Her hairdo doesn't even go with this outfit either- but then again, what the hell would even go with this outfit?! So Paula, do us all a favor, go back home- burn that dress and just stay locked up in the house for some time... let this pass and next time, don't be so daring. Go with something you know won't be so foolish. Simple is actually nice!! 

On my last note- I will forever hate my girls if I were to put his dress on and they let me go out the door like that! So Paula- you have no friends!

July Vacation brought to a Halt!

Well it's definite I will definitely not be going on that cruise that my sister had invited me to. You know the one I did a post about that leaves on July 3 and for a week takes you around the Caribbean in the largest cruise that exists- Allure of the Seas. Yea that one!!  I was already picturing myself tanning, drinking a daiquiri of some sort and just enjoying every moment. But since yours truly is a responsible woman and I am now working with this project, I can't possibly ask for a whole week off (and yes you better believe I actually did think about asking), especially being that on that same week the talent starts arriving to Miami. So my white legs and arms, shall be whiter for a longer period. No tan for me. Sorry to all those that I blind as I wear my shorts or dresses this summer. Crazy part about this project, not only did it extinct my cruise, but even my Costa Rica trip that I had been invited by my dear parents (I told you I was spoiled!) is in the endangered species list. There goes seeking that calm in the rainforest and just being surrounded by the beauty of nature- Pura Vida. But hey, I will let you know how this one trip plays out. I mean, it is only endangered, not extinct!!  The only trip that looks promising is the trip to Chicago that "him" and I have planned for September. So the windy city for a long weekend- you seem to be good. Let's keep it that way!!! 

I  just realized I had a vacation planned for each month, I guess it shows that I love to travel. I  absolutely love going out and meeting new places! It truly is one of my favorite things to do. I work just to vacation. True fact... and what I tend to love production is that I tend to have a little bit of time in between projects to be able to go away- just like I did this past month with Seattle! 

So it then leads me to the people that have never vacation (not because they can't but they just never have) or the ones that simply don't like it. I mean, I don't get it!! And let me tell you, I am the most open minded person you would EVER meet... I get all type of people and their craziness. The only thing I will judge is ones outfit... and yes I will laugh at your expense of bad taste. But other than that- I don't get it... hate vacations? I mean... what? WHY? How could that not bring you excitement? 

Well enough of me, cause God knows that I love to just go on about myself. But I would love to know- am I wrong to just not get this?