Tuesday, June 21, 2011

She has NO Friends-Part Duex

I know that I don't have to say much to this mess... but let me go just add a few things... cause my mind is going all over the place with this!

What was Paula Abdul thinking? I mean, she was never a Fashion Queen, but what happened here? It looks like she had an idea of doing this nice black sexy dress and then all of a sudden, she ran out of fabric and got inspired by flamenco and BOOM- this came out! And I go back to saying- she has NO FRIENDS and if she thinks she does, they aren't her friends!! Why would Paula think this looked good? Just staring at her and that smile, I actually feel bad for her! Her hairdo doesn't even go with this outfit either- but then again, what the hell would even go with this outfit?! So Paula, do us all a favor, go back home- burn that dress and just stay locked up in the house for some time... let this pass and next time, don't be so daring. Go with something you know won't be so foolish. Simple is actually nice!! 

On my last note- I will forever hate my girls if I were to put his dress on and they let me go out the door like that! So Paula- you have no friends!

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