Monday, June 13, 2011

The Brand Joseph

Let me just tell you how I. Can't. With. This. Guy!! I mean I love him to death, but he at times believes to be the sun and all others are just the planets that move around him. He is, after all the center of the universe... didn't you know that? Ha! So now the sun, known to most as Joseph, or as I call him Jojo, if he isn't reading the newspaper about some new disease that he then diagnoses himself with that same sickness (cause he's a doctor on his time off), you could find him holding some kind of substance in his hands and being just a little bit (I am being to kind here) obnoxious. However, once he gets pass the obnoxious era and music surrounds him, is when he lets loose, gets a little crazy and excited and all of a sudden starts to jump around (this is his form of dancing). Now, if you want to dance with him, you will have to play the part and start jumping along with him, if you don't do this, simply move out of the way. And yes... You better believe, yours truly, was the dork jumping along side with him. Cause even through all his craziness (and he is the one ranked craziest out of the Troop) he generally is a great guy, who sings out loud to all sorts of songs and then one minute digs his nose in a book (one probably about marketing of some sort). But the reason I guess you could say he's my male best friend is because honestly he is the one person I can be my crazy self with, talk and rant about all sorts of shit and not once will he sit there bitch, and if he does bitch, he shuts up and just realizes I am this way and accepts it!! Because he knows I accept him and all his brand of Joseph. And truth be told, he was the first person I could honestly say I loved more than I could have ever imagined loving another being. So Jojo- here is to you... if I had Cliquot I'll be drinking it in your name. Keep doing your thing and know you always got me... 

Stay tuned for more random blogs on my friends, and as for my friends, ALL OF YOU BEWARE, with this is blog I will rant on a few things about ALL of you. 

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