Tuesday, June 14, 2011

"Soul meets soul on lovers' lips."

What is it about us- humans in general- that love to kiss? It's almost magical, is it not? While every kiss isn't that special- there are those few that are so passionate that you know you will just always remember. Especially if the one you are sharing the kiss with is the one you have this connection with. Now those, those kisses, those moments are the ones that live in our minds for ever.   

However, its not always the perfect kisses that are recorded to our memory, but at times the not so great ones, are hard to forget. I mean there is the FIRST kiss, the one when you are still young and always imagined it would be that great kiss you saw in all the movies you watched as you grew up (For me: "Pretty Women", when Richard Gere goes up the fire exit to give Julia Roberts her kiss). And then there is that moment, the boy or girl you like and you are just there and deep down you know you are about to kiss!! But then when your lips meet, you realize that you have no idea WHAT.THE.HELL you are doing. Your head is turning one way and your lips just don't know what to do and throughout the whole time your mind is just on overdrive cause you are finally getting your first kiss! Your stomach is turning in all directions and then you start to wonder what is he thinking?! When the kiss, slobber all over your lips (I'm sure), is over you look at each other and have that awkward moment, cause you honestly don't know what to do next. But once that's out of the way- you are in your room replaying over all the steps and you go ahead and think it's the perfect kiss (BEAT THAT JULIA ROBERTS!!). That is of course until you have your second kiss (better if its with someone new entirely)... and all of a sudden you realize the first one was horrible! 

That's the things about kisses, some suck, some are okay, some are forgettable and then you have your few that are UNFORGETTABLE. 

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