Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Having sex or making Love?

I bought September's 2011 Cosmopolitan and was reading the article- "Guys answer your Sex Questions." Today I am going to go ahead and talk about this one specific question that was the most interesting to me and then later I'll talk about the guy's reply.

"How do we know if you're having sex or making love?"

I am sure we (men and women) have all, at one point, thought about this. Although I am sure it crosses more the mind of women then it does of men. Which is fine, after all we women are the more emotional ones. Or so they say. However, before I detour into another subject let me continue on with this one. I have always believed that a man when he is having sex, if he cares more about what he is doing to you than what he is doing for himself- shows that he cares an extreme. Think about it. Stop and think ladies, that guy, whichever one it is that popped into your head when I mentioned you to think, yea him. When you first started having sex with him- how was he? Did he just care to get there and then really not worry oh so much if you did or didn't have the big O? I mean- I am sure if he made you get there it was a plus- but that wasn't his main concern. His main concern was him. But now, that same guy- months later- doesn't it change a bit? Because by experience, I can admit that at first, guys don't seem to really care if we get there or not. Their main concern is them. But as time goes and all of a sudden it is more than just sex- doesn't things change? All of a sudden they don't care so much about them- they just love to see us get there and at times they love to see us get there more than once. That is when ladies- we need to realize that it's not just sex anymore to them. At that moment- it became something a little more. Maybe for us- just cause we are romantics- we could go ahead and call that "making love."

The reply from the guy to the question on the Cosmo magazine was the following:

If the guy is focusing a lot on your pleasure, it's probably more than "just" sex to him.

You see ladies and men! That when your partner is all of a sudden more focused on you than they are on themselves, that shows that they care... that all of a sudden sex isn't just sex to him or her! So next time you are doing the dirty with your partner- pay attention, what is his or her main concern? Who knows you might not just be having sex anymore- you might be "making love."

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