Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Fourth of July

First off I would like to say Happy Fourth of July!! Great day for our beautiful country, which most of us spend in front of a BBQ and getting together with fireworks- please be careful! 

Now, I know I have been driving my poor friends this week crazy with some personal issues and for that same reason is why I have stayed away from the blog- I am sorry! I have been doing so much thinking about so many stupid little things this week and finally I have come down to the conclusion that you should never give up on something that makes you happy. So, if you are ever scared, sad, or mad- don't let that happiness slip away. If you messed up- as I have with my problem- try everything you got to win back that happiness. Worst case scenario, it doesn't work and you really just have to let go. But the question is- when is it time to let go? Would one know? Will I know? I am sure that is all questions that will be answered in the near future. 

But I do believe that we make mistakes to learn from them and with each error we mature. So every day I learn something new, every day I grow older and every day I am going to continue to fight for my happiness. 

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